Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Boko Haram Islamic Hero or Terrorist!

    Boko Haram, the Islamic leader in Nigeria has been on the run for some time after taking away some Nigerian girls from their school. Many in the western world are vowing to return them. Well just like there are religions here in the states that force religion like patriotism and christianity the kidnapped girls have willingly converted to Islam. Just like the black kids here in America are forced to sit at a desk for hours to learn about people they could care less about or subjects that can be answered by googling the schoolgirls received a lesson taught by their people. All Boko Haram did was transfer the girls to another school. He is a hero in that area which is why the people aren't cooperating with the traitors who were given benefits by the same governments responsible for aparthied in Africa.
    So, it is really hypocritical to go and claim some people like they're your property. These girls are human beings who should have the right to choose what religion they want to. So, of course the U.S. government is trying hard to intervene because if they don't time will run out and the girls will be the ones shooting at them.

K*O*B - Voodoo Buzz (Music Video)

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