Sunday, November 20, 2016

Kanye West Rants About Jay-Z & Beyonce! Walks Off & Cancels Show After 3 Songs!

Kanye West Goes On Epic Rant About Jay-Z & Beyonce! Drops Mic and Storms Off Stage!

    Kanye West is now in another hot web of controversy. After stopping the music, Kanye began to go on a typical rant but this time, a long ass tiring bitchfest about how Jay-Z needs to call him. He also dissed the shit out of Beyonce for threatening not to perform at a music awards show if she didn't win. Fearing that his comments would get him killed, he continually begged Jay-Z not to send the goonies that killed 2Pac after him. 

    Not only were Jay-Z and Beyonce targets for Kanye, mainstream radio caught a few hot ones. He made a plea to radio station programmers to take a risk and play some real artist instead of the same old records over and over again. After getting fustrated with the long sermon, the crowd began to start booing him. But little to their suprise, Kanye was really going to turn up the BOOHOOS as he dropped his mic and stormed off the stage. Even though some may disagree with his actions, the truth is die hard Kanye fiends are not going anywhere because they are forever hooked to his sounds no matter what. 


Friday, November 18, 2016

Kanye West Tells Crowd He "Would Have Voted For Trump" & Gets BOOED!

Kanye West Sets Social Media On Fire After Footage From Concert Emerged Of Him Say That "If I Would Have Voted I Would Have Voted For Trump"!

Kanye West sure knows how to get people talking. At his Saint Pablo Tour in San Jose, Kanye decided to express his true feelings about the president elect Donald Trump! The potential candidate for the next 20/20 election, made it clear that he didnt vote but would have chosen Donald Trump. Of course, he knew that his comments would spread all over the place because everything any entertainer says that's controversal goes viral. To be honest, most black entertainers are bought off by money so could Trump be giving them offers they can't refuse? Don't be suprised that more hip hop Trump Pumpers come out of nowhere in support of the liberals so called "New Age Hitler".
Hell, Kanye even supports his stance on building that wall! What do you all think share your comments!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016