Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chris Brown Allegedly Pulls Gun On Baylee Curran For Looking At Jewelry!

Former Pageant Winner And Alleged Gun Assault Victim Accused Of Grand Theft

After acussing Rnb singer Chris Brown aof pulling out a gun on her and threatening her, Baylee Curran is now in hot water. She is has been accused of grand theft. This report comes from the notorious papparazi click TMZ. As for Chris Brown, he is pleading they he is innocent and that all the  accusations are false.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rapper Freddie Gibbs Charged With Sexual Assault in Austria!! #FREEFREDDIEGIBBS

A court spokesman said on Wednesday, U.S. rapper Freddie Gibbs has been charged in Austria with sexually assaulting a woman while on tour last year in Vienna.
34 year old Gibbs, whose real name is Fredrick Tipton, is from Michael Jackson's hometown Gary, Indiana and scored big on his 2014 album Pinata. He has been remanded in custody in the Austrian capital following his extradition from France. He was arrested there in June.
He is denying any guilt.
Referring to drugs used to spike a person's drink, a spokesman for Vienna's criminal court said, "He is alleged to have administered knock-out drops to a woman and then have abused her sexually while she was in a defenseless state."
The alleged incident occurred backstage in July last year.