Wednesday, May 9, 2018

R.Kelly's Shopping With Alleged Sex Slave Joyceyln Savage

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R.Kelly's Shopping With Alleged Sex Slave Joyceyln Savage!

Tmz has posted a video showing R.Kelly shopping with his alledged sex slave Joyceyln Savage while media outlets continue to slander his character. The creepy stalker style footage disputes the claim made by Joyceyln's parents that R.Kelly is brainwashing their daughter. Many fans of R.Kelly mostly african americans, believe that the media is trying to slander the name of another black man living the Hugh Hefner life. Despite the fact that Hugh Hefner was praised for having a mansion full of bucket naked younger women, it is obvious that R.Kelly is being treated as a villian. Is there a conspiracy to tarnish the name of great talented black entertainers? 

Check Out R.Kelly And Joyceln Shopping!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Kanye West Says "Slavery Was A Choice" Is He Right Or Wrong?

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Kanye West is back in the spotlight again this time for bringing up the slavery topic and supporting Donald Trump. On a TMZ interview Kanye stated that "Slavery Was A Choice" causing an uproar in the black community. Many went on social media to express their anger towards Kanye's bold statement. Was he correct? Native Americans fought back but African Americans seemed to let it slide for 400 years. Kanye West blatantly said that as deep as they were they couldn't stand their ground and go to war. Were African Americans cowards who were too mentally broken down to know how to stand up for themselves? For too long African Americans have accepted being treated like children who need a masters approval. It's time to wake up and take control. 

As for the Donald Trump issue it seems that many rappers have just jumped ship and joined the "We Hate Donald Trump" bandwagon just because its cool. Having your own opinion shouldn't be penalized. Be an individual, a leader, not a follower.